Part 1 - The Itch

Exit Rat - Getting out of the Rat Race Part 1: The Itch
Although Glawning is now very much a joint (husband and wife) endeavour, it was me (James) who got the ball rolling. So I’m going to start us off by looking at what led to that pivotal moment.
I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. Like many people, I drifted into a career that sounded impressive and paid well. After university, I signed up for a law conversion course—not because I was particularly passionate about law, but because it seemed like a smart move. It promised status, security, and, let’s face it, a healthy salary. Much to my surprise I landed a training contract at a prestigious national firm and, before I knew it, I was rubbing shoulders with celebrities and handling work that many aspiring lawyers dream of.
I vividly remember the moment I thought I had really "made it." It was November 2005, and I found myself sitting in the reception area at Carrington, Manchester United's training ground. I was waiting for my client, Wayne Rooney, who had just finished training. Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs walked by and, moments later, Cristiano Ronaldo stood just a couple of metres away to sign a football and pose for pictures with a young fan. I remember thinking, "This is it. This is the dream!”
But as surreal as it was, as time went by something didn’t sit right. Sure, the glitz and glamour were exciting but, beneath it all, I had an overwhelming sense of imposter syndrome. The work I was doing also troubled me. Apart from the cool football stuff (which also gave me a glimpse of the darker side of football), I was also charging small business owners outrageous fees to write aggressive letters to other solicitors, escalating conflicts just to prove a point. It was all about winning, but no one really won. It was just a drain on peoples’ wallets, emotions and time. Clients hated paying the bills, and I hated the hollow feeling that came with the work.
I began to ask myself: Is this really what I want to spend my life doing? Was I truly fulfilled, or just living for the next big client, the next pat on the back? I had chased success in the form of job titles and paychecks, but none of it aligned with my values. I wanted to create something that brought joy—not just to myself, but to others as well.
If you've ever felt that gnawing sense of dissatisfaction—if you've ever questioned whether the next promotion or raise will finally make you happy—then you know what I mean. That feeling was the seed that eventually grew into Glawning. I wanted something different, something that would allow me to live authentically and share that joy with others.
Now before you all quit your jobs to start a business, I should make clear that I’m not just talking about hating your job. If that’s the case then maybe you just need a new job! But for many of us there’s something beyond that. An entrepreneurial itch that won’t go away. A nagging desire to make your own decisions and become the master of your fate, both in spite of the risk and because of it. It’s about getting out of the comfort zone to challenge yourself in new ways (and, trust me, the challenges are great and plentiful!).
If this sounds like you then you’ll want to read the next instalment, where I’ll talk about how to harness that feeling, turn it into an idea, and make that idea a reality!
Really interesting. Made me reflect. Looking forward to the next instalment!
It’s very weird that it feels like you are describing me, it is interesting to feel that sense that I’m not the only one that fell into my career and just rode the wave😊 look forward to the next instalment. Sara
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