Gramping: Camping with your Grandkids Just Got Cool

"The grandkids would love this!" It's a phrase we've heard often as we exhibit our glawnings at shows across the country. And what's not to love indeed with its quality cotton canvas; an airy space bedecked with bunting and fairy lights to create a magical glamping set up. But, I digress. Back to the central subject - taking grandchildren camping has become very popular. More and more grandparents are enjoying being with their grandchildren in the great outdoors, away from the electronic distractions of the modern age, taking them back to basics and having great fun teaching them new skills at the same time. Many of our glawning customers have regaled us with stories of how much their grandchildren enjoy going on glamping trips with them.
A glawning can really enhance your gramping time by creating a warm and cosy haven to return to, especially if inclement weather decides to join you. We have designed this lightweight portable woodburning stove that can be fitted in the tent to be both cooked on and to heat up the space very efficiently in no time. Ideal for drying out wet walking gear and of course cooking dinner and toasting marshmallows. The fun of the campfire and sleeping in a tent has long enthralled children and these wholesome glamping excursions will stay with them for a long time. The glawning provides the rustic experience of camping but with all the luxuries that glamping affords, so it reduces the risk of our British weather making your trip a cold, wet flop. It's Bear Grylls meets The Premier Inn!
The grandchildren will be enchanted by the glamping wonderland of the glawning and you will be the Best Grandparents Ever! So get gramping! And don't forget the marshmallows.
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